From Ambition to Action – The Circular Economy Roadmap for Germany and selected deep dives into Circular Business Models
When: 01 & 02 February 2022
Where: online
The Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland (CEID) was founded with the aim of defining the transition towards a resource-efficient and digitally-enabled Circular Economy in Germany. Supported by more than 50 organisations and developed by 130 stakeholders from politics, industry, science and civil society the CEID recently released its Circular Economy Roadmap for Germany.
The starting situation in Germany for the implementation of a Circular Economy is favourable. The Circular Economy Roadmap for Germany shows how the potential of the Circular Economy can be realised and outlines relevant steps for policy makers, business, and academia. The next step is to learn from and with European Partners, how to facilitate a successful implementation and foster collaboration.
In this context, Business Models are a key lever for companies to embrace the Circular Economy. Ideally, they align circular value creation activities with opportunities to capture economic value. Therefore, a greater adoption of Circular Business Models in business practice by pioneers and followers is crucial to trigger the desired transformation process of industries and society and generate a self-reinforcing momentum.
Join us in our two sessions and discuss the benefits of a Circular Economy and the opportunities that come with it:
Session 1:
Circular Business Models: Overcoming Barriers – Unleashing Potentials
When: February 1st, 2022 / 09:00 -10:30 (UTC+1)
Where: online
A successful adoption of Circular Business Models (CBMs) by companies is crucial to triggering the needed transformation process of industries towards a Circular Economy. Yet actors along the value chain face many uncertainties regarding how to further develop in the value chain and with which partners to collaborate to form circular ecosystems and generate economic value. Bringing together key stakeholders from German industry, science and civil society, the CEID working group “Circular Business Models” developed a scientifically based practical manual for the successful implementation of circular business practices. Starting with a mapping of business model patterns available to each actor in the value cycle, the report further outlines digital and regulatory enablers for CBMs in order to overcome current barriers and unleash the full potential of a shift towards circularity both on an industry and societal level.
With our WCEF Session, which is moderated by Prof. Dr. Erik Hansen, scientific lead of the working group and Head of the Institute for Integrated Quality Design at Johannes Kepler University Linz, we aim to foster a dialogue among CE experts, practitioners and decision-makers from various fields and share insights on success cases of implementing circular business practices.
Our panel of experts:
Christian Schiller - cirplus GmbH
Erik G. Hansen - Institute for Integrated Quality Design at Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU)
Patrick Wiedemann - Reverse Logistics GmbH
Stephen Jamieson – SAP
Session 2:
Roadmaps towards Circularity – Experiences from the Netherlands, the Nordics and Germany
When: February 2nd, 2022 / 09:00 -10:30 (UTC+1)
Where: online
National Circular Economy roadmaps and strategies are powerful tools for describing the transition towards circularity. Germany recently released its first comprehensive Circular Economy roadmap that outlines the necessary steps for politics, business, science and society. Frontrunners like the Netherlands and several Nordic countries have already gained ample experience with the implementation of such roadmaps. In this session, an introduction to the Circular Economy roadmap of Germany will outline the key elements for the transition towards circularity. The subsequent Panel discussion with several European high-level experts will provide insights on the implementation of circular strategies and how the necessary cooperation across industries and countries can be fostered.
Our panel of experts:
Cathrine Barth - Nordic Circular Hotspot
Freek van Eijk – Holland Circular Hotspot
Michael Kuhndt - Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)
Susanne Kadner - Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland / acatech